Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale

Rivista | Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale
Fascicolo | 53 | 2017
Articolo | Multiple Layers of Transmission

Multiple Layers of Transmission

Gasan Jōseki and the Goi Doctrine in the Medieval Sōtō school


Scholars have investigated Gasan’s role in the so-called ‘popularization’ of the medieval Sōtō school. What is noticed less often is Gasan’s doctrinal role in the shaping of medieval Sōtō Zen. This article sheds light on the particular importance given by Gasan to the transmission of the Five Ranks through an analysis of the San’unkaigetsu and the two Muromachi variants. The three texts share some common features in the analysis of the Five Ranks, which are at the center of the transmission process in Gasan’s group. I suggest that the rediscovery of the Five Ranks attempts to legitimate Gasan and his group of disciples. San’unkaigetsu achieves this through three different layers: the textual layer, the cosmogonic layer and the secrecy layer which endow Gasan’s group with the legitimacy of past tradition. My analysis collocates Gasan and San’unkaigetsu in the complex scenario of the medieval Sōtō school, providing a nuanced understanding of the influential role of Gasan.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 25 Novembre 2016 | Accettato: 14 Marzo 2017 | Pubblicato 20 Giugno 2017 | Lingua: en

Keywords Gasan JōsekiKirigamiSōtō SchoolFive Ranks

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