Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale

Rivista | Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale
Journal Issue | 51 | 2015
Articolo | Esempio di rappresentazione del sé in Lu Ling 路翎, Luo Dadou de yisheng 罗大斗的一生 (La vita di Luo Dadou)

Esempio di rappresentazione del sé in Lu Ling 路翎, Luo Dadou de yisheng 罗大斗的一生 (La vita di Luo Dadou)


In the story Luo Dadou’s life (Luo Dadou de yisheng 罗大斗的一生), Lu Ling 路翎 (1923-1994) gives shape to the deepness of human psyche and stresses the suffering of the Self of his age by giving a brilliant emphasis to human individuality. The author succeeds in doing so by creating an amazing psychological characterization of the main character, both by means of words and by means of grammatical structures. By applying Denton’s categories for the study of the Self in modern Chinese literature, I analysed Lu Ling’s short story from the Freudian and Kleinian psychodynamic perspective, so to demonstrate how Lu Ling enters his characters’ minds and wonderfully recreates the psychological dynamics inside and between them.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 24 Giugno 2015 | Lingua: it

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