Studi e ricerche

Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | Libri, storie, persone e parole fra Venezia e la Grecia
Capitolo | Libri greci a Venezia (3). Mario Vitti, i suoi libri e la sua biblioteca

Libri greci a Venezia (3). Mario Vitti, i suoi libri e la sua biblioteca


This contribution outlines the academic and scientific career of Mario Vitti (1926-2023) through his main works and the most salient stages of his professional life. After a brief review of Modern Greek studies before Vitti’s arrival in Italy (1946), several works that made an essential contribution to the development of the discipline are examined in the light of the research and publications produced by Vitti himself. Of particular importance is the collection of books that belonged to M. Vitti, acquired by Ca’ Foscari University in 2007, thanks also to a grant from the Ministry of Culture of Greece and the Ministry of Culture of Cyprus, which is housed in the Library of the Humanities Area (BAUM), available to the student community and to all interested parties.

Open access

Presentato: 22 Luglio 2024 | Accettato: 12 Agosto 2024 | Pubblicato 31 Ottobre 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords Author’s libraryModern Greek studies in ItalyHistory of Modern Greek literatureMario Vitti

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