Collana |
Miscellanea | Lingue, linguaggi e spazi: per una diversa visione del carcere e della mediazione
Capitolo | Il senso della pena: per un approccio semiotico al carcere
In this paper, we try to outline a possible field of semiotic inquiry on prison which aims to understand the meaning that our society gives to the prison sentence: analysing the spatial sphere in which prison sentences take shape in order to understand the way our society shapes them. This line of research, through the methodological tools of the semiotics of space, should therefore consider prison as a signifying space that speaks to us of something other than itself, speaks to us of the way we construct punishment beyond how we represent it in the various discourses that traverse society. Space in this perspective is not simply a container of subjects, objects and actions, but a language that can speak to us about a certain aspect of our social life.
Presentato: 12 Marzo 2024 | Pubblicato 04 Luglio 2024 | Lingua: it
Keywords Prison space • Semiotics • Language of space • Space • Topological semiotics
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