Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Arquitecturas verbales y otras antigrafías
Capitolo | Francisco de Holanda: antigrafías, imágenes, verbos y arquitecturas dibujadas

Francisco de Holanda: antigrafías, imágenes, verbos y arquitecturas dibujadas


The Portuguese architect Francisco de Holanda drew and wrote with lines and letters his calligraphic books, more than half a dozen treatises and proposals for the transformation of reality, without having any of them printed: they were ignored by the typographic characters and the fortune of engraving. He called this unique work, in which it was not possible to distinguish between what was communicated literarily and what was expressed with images, antigraphy. His theories are known, but not his constructions. The whereabouts of the planimetries on which he drew his architectural projects are unknown; there is no building that, supported by historical documentation or archaeology, can be attributed to him, not even the discreet Hermitage of San Mamede, resounding in its cylindrical solitude in the region of Sintra.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 14 Ottobre 2023 | Accettato: 07 Novembre 2023 | Pubblicato 23 Maggio 2024 | Lingua: es

Keywords Hermitage of San MamedeArchitecture and literatureCalligraphy and drawingFrancisco de HolandaAntigraphy

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