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Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Arquitecturas verbales y otras antigrafías
Capitolo | Cartografía mnemotécnica: siglas y topónimos
Acronyms are a sequence of the initial letters of a series of names, organizations, companies or scientific terms. Together with acronyms, shortenings and compounds, they are words that summarize a title, the name of a company, a place. In this article I will study several cases of acronyms that correspond to toponyms and that form a real mnemonic cartography. In a toponym the place is abstracted in words. In toponymy there is a metric, a phonetic and symbolic value. The toponymy arises from the pre-existing – tangible or not – but after being named, the place lives conditioned by its name. Examples discussed include the Ars memoriae by Jacobus Publicius, a well-known 15th century rhetorician and physician, as well as texts by Salvador de Madariaga or Dámaso Alonso.
Presentato: 14 Ottobre 2023 | Accettato: 06 Dicembre 2023 | Pubblicato 23 Maggio 2024 | Lingua: es
Keywords Dámaso Alonso • Acronyms • Toponyms • Salvador de Madariaga • Maps
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