È possibile il reenactment di un laboratorio d’artista?
L’esperienza della mostra Bruno Munari: aria | terra
A complex reenactment of Bruno Munari’s workshops was held at Palazzo Pretorio in Cittadella (Padua) between 2017 and 2018. Munari’s workshops were recognised works of art themselves, and therefore they needed to be exhibited in a condition of usability, in the same space with other works of art. However, usability implies performativity: this essay considers how to reconstruct similar events from a historical-philological point of view. The international art scene has already reflected on reenactment as an opportunity to re-create performances, but workshops would seem to offer some advantages for a reenactment: Munari has always delegated to others their conduction and even their development. The Bruno Munari Association, founded by the artist’s son Alberto Munari and other collaborators, with the aim of protecting and passing on the workshops, was the reference for this reenactment, but it was from this collaboration that new criticalities emerged, which finally led to a final solution.
Keywords: Authorship • Neo-Avantgarde • Philology • Exhibitions • Performance