Collana | Sinica venetiana
Miscellanea | Interpretazioni della storia in Cina
Capitolo | Storia e memoria nel romanzo Xiguan siwang 习惯死亡 (Abituarsi a morire, 1989) di Zhang Xianliang 张贤亮 (1936-2014)

Storia e memoria nel romanzo Xiguan siwang 习惯死亡 (Abituarsi a morire, 1989) di Zhang Xianliang 张贤亮 (1936-2014)


Historical wounds are a recurring theme in Chinese literature of the 20th‑century. In post-Mao China, the reconstruction of the past became one of the tasks of Chinese intellectuals. In Zhang Xianliang’s case, the experience of imprisonment was a painful journey of rethinking his identity as a man and an intellectual. In his novel Getting Used to Dying, he not only describes the recollection of his own biographical events, but also carries out a broader reflection on the value and weight of memory, as well as its reflections on the present. Literature thus becomes a tool for reflecting on the historical trauma and to try to settle the discrepancy between personal memory and official history.

Open access

Presentato: 26 Aprile 2023 | Accettato: 10 Agosto 2023 | Pubblicato 12 Febbraio 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords Zhang XianliangMemoryTrauma fictionGetting Used to DyingModernism

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