Longevità e trascendenza con le droghe naturali
This contribution introduces the Daoist tradition of natural drugs known as zhi 芝, on which those who practice dao 道 feed. The topic is explained through selected passages drawn from different texts. The Taishang Lingbao zhicao pin 太上靈寶芝草品 (Catalogue of Zhi, a Taishang Lingbao Scripture) – an anonymous work accompanied by illustrations in the canonical version – describes form, size, habitat, properties, therapeutic effects, and other aspects of these zhi. The essay continues with excerpts from Ge Hong’s 葛洪 (283-343) Baopuzi 抱樸子 (Master Who Embraces Simplicity), and places the zhi tradition in the broader context of Daoist alchemy.
Keywords: Zhi • Longevity • Daoist alchemy • Immortality • Ge Hong