Collana |
Sinica venetiana
Miscellanea | Quali altre parole vi aspettate che aggiunga?
Capitolo | Il riflesso di sé e dell’altro
This paper focuses on the translation of the Baojing sanmei (The jewel mirror samādhi) [T nr. 1986b] (1761), a liturgical chant of the Zen Soto Buddhist school. Attributed to the Dongshan Liangjie (807-69) (Jap. Tōzan Ryōkai), the text is related to the Chan re-elaboration of Huayan themes. The introductory part includes eight sections illustrating the context of formulation, the canonical sources, the genre, the function, the exegetical tradition, the doctrinal framework, the themes and the linguistic notes. Attention is paid to highlighting the textual precedents in the Zutang ji (Collection from the Patriarchs’ Hall) [B nr. 144].
Presentato: 29 Marzo 2022 | Accettato: 28 Luglio 2022 | Pubblicato 22 Dicembre 2022 | Lingua: it
Keywords Tōzan Ryōkai • Chan Buddhism • Zutang ji • Caodong Chan • Baojing sanmei
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