Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato filosofo morale
Gli avvertimenti di un cortigiano avveduto del Barocco
In his last work, L’Huomo chiamato alla memoria di se stesso, e della morte, published 1671 in Vienna and dedicated to count Albrecht VII Zinzendorf, Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato describes the human condition from a baroque point of view. This rather conventional memento mori in 10 chapters reflects perfectly the erudition and argumentation of its century. The sources consulted by Gualdo Priorato and the metaphors used in the presentation of the topics are exemplary of the cultural heritage shared by a literary amateur and his contemporary public. The advices given by Gualdo Priorato conform to the ethics of the catholic Counter Reformation.
Keywords: Ferdinand Bonaventura Harrach • Albrecht VII Zinzendorf • Frederik Bouttats • Baroque rhetoric • Religious ethics