Filologie medievali e moderne

Collana | Filologie medievali e moderne
Volume 26 | Miscellanea | Authors as Readers in the Mamlūk Period and Beyond

Authors as Readers in the Mamlūk Period and Beyond

open access | peer reviewed
    a cura di
  • Élise Franssen - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email


Authors read and they use their readings within their writing process. Scrutinizing authors’ readings provides information on their tastes, working subjects at a given period, methodology, and scholarly milieu. It also brings a lot to intellectual history, highlighting the texts and manuscripts circulating in a certain context. Eight contributions investigating the readings of as many authors, from different points of view, are gathered here. The studied authors are mainly from pre-modern Islam – al-Qādī al-Fāḍil, Ibn Taymiyya, al-Ṣafadī, al-Subkī, al-Maqrīzī – with three exceptions: an incursion into the Ottoman 19th century – Esʿad Efendi –, a detour by the French court of Charles V – Evrart de Conty –, and a preface about Greek Antiquity – Philodème de Gadara.

Keywords Way of reading textsConsultation notesParatext in manuscriptsAuthors’ methodologyLibraryInterrelation of writing and readingCompanionsIntellectual independenceScholars’ networksBooks circulationOttoman MecmūʿaPublic readingOttoman reading culturePluri-maḏhab referencingActive and responsive readingIntellectual historyMedieval translationCritical readingScholars’ libraryBilingualismReadingsOttoman scholars’ reading practicesSource methodologyal-MaqrīzīǦamʿ al-ǧawāmiʿBook loansOwnership statementsConceptual framework of responseIndividual reading practicesṢaḥḥāflarşeyḫizāde Esʿad EfendiMamlūk periodAutographBook circulationMedieval commentaryOrnate prose styleAuthorshipHistory of readingMethodologyCollectingOttoman book historyMarginaliaAutograph manuscriptsIdeal of affective relationshipal-ṢafadīParatextual marksBook productionArabic manuscriptsQuotingLiterary tastesMamlūk scholarsCorrespondenceLibrariesAšʿarīMistakesʿAhd ArdašīrCommentariesTaǧ al-Dīn al-SubkīMutakallimūnIsnādǦumhūr al-ṣaḥābaCopying

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-560-5 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-561-2 | Numero pagine 326 | Dimensioni 16x23cm | Pubblicato 08 Marzo 2022 | Lingua en, fr