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Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | La detection della critica
Capitolo | Epifanie acquoree nel Fu Mattia Pascal
This paper proposes an interpretation of Fu Mattia Pascal based on the Jungian theory of the Individuation Process. This evolutionary path is divided into three phases that metaphorically trace those of the alchemical Opus Magnum: Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo. The story of Mattia Pascal/Adriano Meis seems to be articulated according to these three phases, although the protagonist will never be able to complete his individuation process. In the analysis of the text, particular attention is paid to the images related to water and its symbolism. In fact, the crucial moments of the novel always take place in the presence of a watercourse (sea, river, water source) and the aqueous imagery seems to dominate in the mind of the protagonist and in that of its author.
Pubblicato 28 Ottobre 2020 | Lingua: it
Keywords Jung • Pirandello • Thematic Criticism • Water
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