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Capitolo | Ante los otros. Tramas y trampas de las diferencias

Ante los otros. Tramas y trampas de las diferencias


Literature is a privileged field in which to study the representations of the ‘others’, of those who, with their own cultural baggage, were integrated into the Argentine national project (a project that is mostly the product of colonial violence and the wars of independence. Many of the works canonised as ‘Argentine classics’ have dealt with the multiple representations, from heroic to vile, of that immigrant. Xenophobia, the racial prejudices of the Argentine upper class, biological determinism as a resource to justify social barriers and the particular choice of Italians and Jews as the privileged object of such prejudices constitute a very studied chapter in that representation. But currently it is necessary to question what happens in the present when the biopolitical machinery has grown in a lavish way and where positions and attitudes can no longer be attributed exclusively to class prejudices. This machinery of the present is what this essay aims to investigate.

Open access

Pubblicato 30 Aprile 2020 | Lingua: es

Keywords OthernessDifferencesArgentinaRacismViolence

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