
Collana | Antichistica
Miscellanea | Il dono di Altino
Capitolo | Un surplus auto-rappresentativo

Un surplus auto-rappresentativo

La stele funeraria del liberto Lucius Ancharius Crescens ad Altino


The contribution provides the critical edition of an unpublished funerary inscription of the Roman town of Altinum. The inscription is characterized by four aspects: opistography, the mention of a pater patronus, the insertion of a clause of ‘affective prose’, and the presence of formulae related to the ‘dialogue with the passerby’ scheme. The study reconstructs the original epigraphic situation, and highlights the promoter’s self-representative strategies.

Open access

Pubblicato 16 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Clause of ‘affective prose’Epigraphic situationDialogue with the passerby

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