
Collana | Antichistica
Miscellanea | Il dono di Altino
Capitolo | La danzatrice di Aquileia e gli spettacoli scenici in età tardoantica

La danzatrice di Aquileia e gli spettacoli scenici in età tardoantica


The purpose of this paper is to reconsider a little sculpture which represents a young woman who dances, found in Aquileia at the end of nineteenth century. The original work, which can de dated – as Sperti suggests – in the fourth century, confirms the diffusion of these little works in marble or stone in the late antiquity. The subject is also interesting because it is related to the spectacles which were the most important occasion of amusing for the people. The artists performed not only in the theatres and in the circuses but also in the private houses or villas, during the convivial occasions. The little sculpture, which perhaps decorated one of the rich residences in Aquileia, testifies the importance of performances of mimes, pantomimes, dancers in the late antiquity society and the honors that were paid to them.

Open access

Pubblicato 16 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Late AntiquityAquileiaDancerMimePantomime

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