
Collana | Antichistica
Miscellanea | Il dono di Altino
Capitolo | ‘Corredi emergenti’ e ‘ossicini pertinenti’

‘Corredi emergenti’ e ‘ossicini pertinenti’

Ovvero perché consultare un museologo per fare un museo


The article aims at providing food for thought on the profession of the museologist, a profession still unacknowledged and not an option in the Italian museums despite long-standing debates at the internazional level on the practice of ‘making a museum’. The author, an archaeologist expert on museum communication, describes her intervention in the new Archaeological Museum of Altino, opened to the public on December 2014. Though entering in an advanced phase of the work with a museum and exhibition project already underway and partly binding, she devised a ‘telescope lens’ that guides the visitors in getting their bearings in space and time and lead them with a ‘red thread’ from the title panels to the captions of the objects displayed. Great care has been taken to make texts easily understandable, with different levels of reading and analysis.

Open access

Pubblicato 16 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Archaeological MuseumAltinoMuseum DisplayMuseum CommunicationMuseologist

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