
Collana | Antichistica
Miscellanea | Il dono di Altino
Capitolo | Anforette a fondo piatto con anse rimontanti da Altino: una possibile produzione locale?

Anforette a fondo piatto con anse rimontanti da Altino: una possibile produzione locale?


In the magazines of the National Archaeological Museum of Altino (VE) a type of small amphora is preserved, which is not described in the most common typologies. Numerous fragments characterised by a rim with double step and remounting ribbon handles have been found; the inner surface of rim and neck shows a thick layer of pitch. It is highly possible that this represents a wine amphora, probably of local production, which, based on the analysis of some fragments with stamp, would date back to the first half of the first century BC. First preliminary data on this container are here discussed.

Open access

Pubblicato 16 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords AltinoPottery ProductionFlat-bottomed AmphoraeWineRemounting Handles

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