
Collana | Antichistica
Miscellanea | La falsificazione epigrafica
Capitolo | Vicende di un falso senatoconsulto

Vicende di un falso senatoconsulto

Il decretum Rubiconis fra Ciriaco de’ Pizzicolli, Antonio Agustín e Eugen Bormann


This paper aims to reconstruct the origins of the so-called Decretum Rubiconis (CIL XI 30*) and the ancient sources that inspired it (Cicero’s Philippics; Vergil; Seneca; the lex de imperio Vespasiani). The text was significantly manipulated by Ciriaco de’ Pizzicolli before the mid 15th century and was identified as false already by Antonio Agustín (Diálogos, 1587). Despite this prompt identification, the forged epigraphic document had a wide circulation in the manuscript tradition and (at least) two different engravings after the 16th century. A copy of the inscription is now kept in the Museum of Cesena.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 03 Luglio 2019 | Accettato: 10 Settembre 2019 | Pubblicato 16 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Lex de imperio Vespasiani Antonio AgustínSenatus consultumCiriaco de’ PizzicolliDecretum Rubiconis

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