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Institutional Change for Gender Equality in Research

Lesson Learned from the Field

a cura di

Maria Sangiuliano    Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia    

Agostino Cortesi    Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia    



Gender balance in research organizations is considered as a key step for ensuring research excellence and quality and inclusive-sustainable innovation. Still, in spite of an increasing number of HE and research institutions committed to make science more equal and some positive trends in figures on Gender equality in STEM research, it still appears to be difficult to prioritize gender equality. This is particularly true for disciplines such as ICT/IST where female representation at all levels is among the lowest ones among STEM topics and where a gender sensitive approach to ICT design and programming is far from being understood in its implications among computer and information systems scientist. H2020 (PGERI and SWAFS programmes in particular), promoted the concept of institutional change for gender equality, insisting on the need for merging change management and gender policies. The volume is focusing on a presentation and reflexive review of results and tools from the H2020 EQUAL-IST project to discuss opportunities to innovate and transform HR management and Institutional communication, research design, teaching & students services, via gender equality, and how such innovations could be multiplied and sustained with a focus on ICT and IST research organizations. The volume is complemented by contributions from other projects on institutional change in research.

17 Dicembre 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Maria Sangiuliano, Agostino Cortesi. This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.


Maria Sangiuliano    Agostino Cortesi   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Section Ι • Gender Equality Plan Design: A Participatory Approach
Reflective Negotiations from the Participatory Audit to Design of Gender Equality Plans
Maria Sangiuliano    Claudia Canali    Vasiliki Madesi   
17 Dicembre 2019
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The EQUAL-IST Methodology
Claudia Canali    Tindara Addabbo    Maria Sangiuliano   
17 Dicembre 2019
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The CrowdEquality Idea Crowdsourcing Platform
Elena Gorbacheva    Vasiliki Moumtzi    Armin Stein   
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Maria Sangiuliano    Elena Gorbacheva    Claudia Canali   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Section ΙΙ • Implementing EQUAL-IST Gender Equality Plans: Challenges, Resistances and Results
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Lithuanian Case
Daina Gudoniene    Danguole Rutkauskiene   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Claudia Canali    Tindara Addabbo   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Claudia Canali    Vasiliki Moumtzi   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Maria Sangiuliano    Vasiliki Moumtzi    Apostolos Vontas   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Section ΙΙΙ • Institutional Change in Academia and Research in Europe
Reflections from a Study on GEPs Implementation in Europe
Maria Sangiuliano   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Facilitating Successful Implementation of Gender Equality Plans in European Research Institutions
Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins    Helen Peterson   
17 Dicembre 2019
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Romilda Mazzotta    Maria Teresa Nardo    Patrizia Pastore    Giovanna Vingelli   
17 Dicembre 2019
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