Collana | Studi di storia
Miscellanea | Le pontificat romain dans l’époque contemporaine | The Papacy in the Contemporary Age
Capitolo | Contre les « erreurs modernes »
This article focuses on Pope Benedict XV’s teaching on preaching during World War 1. It is based on three main sources: 1) the encyclical Humani generis redemptionem, published in 1917; the unedited drafts, which have recently been made available from the Vatican Secret Archives; 2) Pope Benedict XV’s speeches to the Lenten preachers in Rome (1914-1922); 3) Codex Iuris Canonici’s canons 1327-1351 (the Codex was also published in 1917). The analysis shows that the main concerns underlying Pope Benedict XV’s teaching on preaching contained nationalism and fought secularization.
Presentato: 11 Aprile 2018 | Pubblicato 06 Giugno 2018 | Lingua: fr
Keywords Catholic intransigentism • World War 1 • Nationalism • Preaching • Secularization • Pope Benedict XV
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