(In-)tangible Cultural Heritage as a World of Rights?
In the first part of the paper, the widespread negative attitude towards cultural rights (and even more towards the right to CH) by a number of scholars and specialists of human rights, as well as the reasons of such attitude, are carefully analyzed. In the author’s opinion the concern about the possible upshots of cultural relativism is the key to understand these misgivings. The central part of the essay offers a precise and articulated critic of such attitude, in the light of the recent international legal instruments, but also giving space to the inspired Report of the UN Independent Expert in the Field of Cultural Rights, Farida Shaheed (2011).The sixth and last paragraph is dedicated to the role of identity and HC in the area of human rights.
Keywords: Right to the (I)CH • Cultural rights • Heritage community
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-052-5/SE-4-33