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Capitolo | Il soggettivo come soglia tra senso e linguaggio

Il soggettivo come soglia tra senso e linguaggio

Il ‘quasi-trascendentale’ in Lyotard


In Le différend (Lyotard 1983) Lyotard deals with the problem of the limit between ‘sense’ and ‘language’, focusing on the relation between sense data and the logic-semiotic device of judgment. In particular, he investigates both Wittgenstein’s atomistic logic and Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetics, arguing that the question of semiotic process is necessarily related to the assumption that the incommensurable ‘event’ (Begebenheit) of sense-data, that is what he calls a non-phrase, is from the beginning already semantically determined as ‘something’ to be presented/exhibited by the hybrid device of judgment. Lyotard’s thought seems then offer some conceptual elements useful to sketch a ‘quasi-transcendental semiotics’.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 21 Aprile 2017 | Accettato: 19 Maggio 2017 | Lingua: it

Keywords Immanuel KantLudwig WittgensteinSemioticsJean-François LyotardJudgmentTranscendental philosophy

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