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Capitolo | Esserci, ovvero far differenza

Esserci, ovvero far differenza

Costituirsi della presenza e limiti dell’uso del corpo in Ernesto De Martino


In his writings the Italian philosopher and scholar Ernesto De Martino originally developed the concept of ‘presence’ in direction of its possible collapsing. In his latest writings, however, a theory concerning the formation of such presence can be found: the presence should consist of ‘making a difference’, that is of an act of discernment. This act, in turn, is made possible by the use we make of the world, which is articulated by impersonal (social) operative projects. Reconstructing this ‘theory of presentification’ in De Martino's latest writings allows an assessment of his contribution to the present debate on the concept of ‘use’.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 21 Aprile 2017 | Accettato: 09 Maggio 2017 | Lingua: it

Keywords ClumsinessPresenceDifferenceUseErnesto De Martino

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