Eurasiatica Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale

Collana | Eurasiatica
Recensione | Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale
Capitolo | Fazil’ Iskander: la letteratura russa canta l’Abcasia

Fazil’ Iskander: la letteratura russa canta l’Abcasia


From the temporal and spatial boundaries of the Soviet historical experience, a literature in Russian emerges beyond Russia and it enlivens the complex dialectics between center and peripheries. Nevertheless, from the fifties the crisis of the Soviet ‘utopian colonialism’ is clear and the Soviet myth of inclusion and people friendship begins to be eroded. Authors of non-Russian nationalities who write in Russian thus combine two different perspectives, that of  Russian culture and that of their native heritage, trying to get over recent historical traumas. The Abchazian Fazil’ Iskander is a particularly significant example of such double point of view, of this interior fracture.

Open access | Peer reviewed

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Keywords Fazil IskanderRussian LiteratureAbkhazian culture

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