L’evoluzione delle politiche sul patrimonio culturale in Europa dopo Faro
2014 marked a turning point towards a wider recognition of the role of culture and heritage policies in the European Union, with two Council Conclusions, a Communication from the European Commission, and the inclusion of cultural heritage among the four priorities of the Workplan for Culture 2015-2018. The new policy documents shed light on what EU can do to enhance heritage’s intrinsic value and take advantage of its economic and societal potential, and encourage stakeholders to jointly look into public policies at all levels, including the EU, in order to draw out the long term and sustainability value of Europe’s cultural heritage, and develop a more integrated approach to its preservation and valorization. The debate on the role that the European Union can play for the safeguarding and enhancement of the cultural heritage of European significance, in line with the EU Treaties and in respect of the principle of subsidiarity, is still open and alive in the European institutions, also due to the recent destruction of cultural heritage sites in Syria and Iraq.
Keywords: Sustainability • European cultural policy • Cultural Heritage • Commons • Participatory governance
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-052-5/SE-3-2