Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 45 | 118 | 2022
Review | ¿Y las mujeres dónde están?

¿Y las mujeres dónde están?

Literatura criminal argentina

Contemporary Argentine women authors of crime literature – such as Claudia Piñeiro, Florencia Etcheves or Alicia Plante – are widely recognised by literary critics and the reading public. However, throughout history, the legacy of the authors who preceded them has been buried under the canonical names of authors such as Borges, Piglia or Mempo Giardinelli. This article aims at examining the impact of authors such as María Angélica Bosco, Syria Poletti and Silvina Ocampo, who wrote novels and detective stories in the mid-twentieth century, as well as Luisa Valenzuela in the 1990s, reaching up to the present day.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 14, 2022 | Published Dec. 16, 2022 | Language: es

Keywords Silvina OcampoArgentine crime literatureMaría Angélica BoscoSyria PolettiLuisa ValenzuelaLiteratura criminal argentina

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