Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 7 | 2 | 2018
Research Article | Emotions and Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning at University
This article explores the role of emotions in foreign language learning at university level. Drawing on the recent literature regarding the affective dimension in language learning, it illustrates the ways in which students experience emotions in foreign language learning. Particular emphasis is given to the way in which students’ emotions, both positive and negative, emerge and change during their learning process. The article presents a study conducted among university students learning English in a co-directed and autonomy-inspired environment. Following a qualitative approach, students’ emotional expression was investigated, by means of individual advising sessions and group sessions, as well as in written form. The relationship between emotion, motivation and self-awareness in a semi-autonomous learning context was explored in order to consider the impact of the affective dimension on students’ progress and achievement.
Submitted: Sept. 11, 2017 | Accepted: Aug. 28, 2018 | Published July 1, 2018 | Language: en
Keywords Language advising • Learner autonomy • Emotions • Motivation
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