
International Journal of Armenian Studies
Aims & Scope
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new online journal Armeniaca. International Journal of Armenian Studies to be published by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. This initiative responds to the ever-growing diffusion of electronic journals in academia and the need to provide such a scholarly instrument also for Armenian studies: an open access outlet that follows a double-blind peer review procedure. Based on this shared goal representatives of four Italian universities where Armenian studies are currently present in the curriculum (Bologna, Florence, Pisa and Venice), came together to carry out this project. The journal embraces an international perspective as reflected in the composition of its scientific board whose members are Armenologists from diverse research institutions and universities in Europe and beyond. It is open to the main fields of research in Armenian studies (archaeology, art, philology, literature, linguistics, history) and accepts articles in English, Italian, French, and German.

Journal issues

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