Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Un monde partagé : la Sicile du premier siècle av. J.-C. entre Diodore et Cicéron
Chapter | Les monuments et les erga de Sicile dans le corpus cicéronien

Les monuments et les erga de Sicile dans le corpus cicéronien


The erga and the monuments of Sicily are especially evoked in the Verrines, where they appear in the discourse to acknowledge the reality of the crime, to paint the portrait of a godless and uneducated Verres, and to establish a community of values between the Sicilians and the jury. Their presence in the rest of the Ciceronian corpus is part of the criticism of Caesar’s power: they function as political symbols.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 13, 2023 | Accepted: May 19, 2023 | Published Dec. 19, 2023 | Language: fr

Keywords TrialTyrannyMonumentsPortraitCiceroVerresGreek artImpiety

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