LIS e disabilità comunicativa: un caso clinico
L’uso dei segni della LIS per favorire l’autonomia comunicativa di una ragazza con problemi fono-articolatori
This paper reports the result of a longitudinal case study on a girl suffering from a rare genetic illness that prevents her from communicating through speaking. We set three major goals. First, to investigate the specific signs that are used by the girl for communication purposes. Second, to analyse their ‘home signs’ and finally, to increase her vocabulary readapting specific signs from the Italian Sign Language to her articulatory restrictions, teaching her 12 new signs connected to words of her everyday language. At the end of the programme, the goals were almost thoroughly achieved and the girl remembered correctly seven signs.
Keywords: Case study • Italian Sign Language • Homesigns • Augmentative and Alternative Communication • Communication • Genetic illness • Linguistic disorders