Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Volume 34 | Edited book | Son of the Flash, Worthy of a King. A Veneto Horse and its Harness

Son of the Flash, Worthy of a King. A Veneto Horse and its Harness

Proceedings of the Study Day (Oderzo, 23 November 2018)
open access
    edited by
  • Giovanna Gambacurta - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Marta Mascardi - Fondazione Oderzo Cultura onlus, Italia - email
  • Maria Cristina Vallicelli - Ministero della Cultura - email

The studies on the harness of the horse from tomb 49, found in the excavations of the pre-Roman necropolis of the Opera Pia Moro in Oderzo, implied the need – more than ten years after its discovery and exhibition in the museum – to renew the hypothesis about the configuration of its pieces, and the opportunity to bring together, discuss and update the research in progress. The contributions in this volume investigate the context of the discovery, detail the operations of recovery and restoration, highlight comparisons with similar cases in the Venetian area and relations with the Alpine territory, and in particular with the Slovenian area (Most na Soči and Kobarid). Besides, examples of comparable iconography can be found in the documents regarding the Art of the situlae. The relevance of horse sacrifices in the ritual practices of the ancient Venetians is confirmed by the Oderzo evidences and by the burial of the horse in tomb 49 at the end of the 5th century BC, which belongs to a situation of growing cultural and economic relations and exchanges.

Keywords Alto IsonzoPre-Roman VenetoExcavationRestorationIron AgeCultural enhancementBridlesU-shaped snaffle gagReassemblyHorse harnessCult siteX-raysHarnessBitesGraphic recostruction of the bitHorseMuseum collectionsGravesSitula artKobarid (Caporetto)MoundsIron Age cemeteryExhibitionRitual burialPreroman OderzoIconographyHorse burialAnimal remainsHorse gravesPreroman Venetic necropolisIron agePosočje (Soča Valley)HorsesLate Iron AgeOderzo

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-637-4 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-638-1 | Published Dec. 16, 2022 | Language it


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