Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Classical Spanish Theater in the Cinema
Chapter | Las reescrituras fílmicas de la comedia nueva
Broadly speaking, the cinematographic adaptations of the comedia nueva have not drawn the Hispanists’ attention. Why? Have there been any changes to that trend lately? This essay aims at tackling these issues. It suggests that the underdevelopment of this field of study is due to a strong philological orientation of most Spanish departments and the scattering of film materials. It also proposes that the increasing academic interest in Siglo de Oro’s presence on screen is linked to the recent release of TV series such as El Ministerio del Tiempo, which has brought Lope and Cervantes close to a broader public. This essay concludes by suggesting some relevant research threads that are still to be explored, such as studying unfinished cinematographic adaptations and the analysis of comedia’s diffusion through TV.
Submitted: Feb. 19, 2019 | Accepted: March 26, 2019 | Published July 12, 2019 | Language: es
Keywords Film adaptation • Golden Age Drama Studies • Hispanism • Reception of the Golden Age Theatre Heritage • Theatre in cinema
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