Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Classical Spanish Theater in the Cinema
Chapter | La dialéctica alto vs bajo en El perro del hortelano
Pilar Miró shows a great ability in translating into cinematographic terms the linguistic, social and metaphorical elaboration that Lope de Vega realises in his play The Gardener’s Dog opposing high vs low. If the dramatist hardly alludes to specific places where the characters act, Miró adopts a number of effective solutions, both spatial and symbolic, some of them really original (such as the introduction of a dwarf who always accompanies the Countess being her monstrous double). Many sequences reflect perfectly in spatial terms the distance that separates Teodoro and Diana up until Tristán, with his tricks, finds the way they can consider themselves equal at the end of the play.
Submitted: Feb. 19, 2019 | Accepted: April 22, 2019 | Published July 12, 2019 | Language: es
Keywords El perro del hortelano • Lope de Vega • Pilar Miró • Film version • Dialectic high vs low
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