Home > Catalogo > Lexis > Num. 40 (n.s.) – Dicembre 2022 – Fasc. 2 > Aquiles, el médico del pueblo

Aquiles, el médico del pueblo

Salud, enfermedad y política en Ilíada

Gaston Alejandro Prada    Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina    



The aim of this essay is to study the relationship between the general welfare of the Achaean community and the heroic work of the doctor and the politician to cure the diseases that afflict all the individuals of this social entity. First I will describe the way in which these relationships, framed by the political conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon, are established and mediated by the close links between health and religious rites. Secondly, I will show how Achilles heroism encompasses the different spheres (religious, political and social) that these links contemplate. Finally, I will analyse Achilles’ anger to see if it is possible to associate it to the concept of φάρμακον, understood as both a poison and a remedy to the community.

22 Dicembre 2022
16 Maggio 2022
16 Luglio 2021

Keywords: φάρμακονAchillesPoliticsIliadEpidemic

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