Knowledge Hegemonies in the Early Modern World Sources and Interpretations

Collana | Knowledge Hegemonies in the Early Modern World
Monografia | Geo-Heliocentric Controversies
Capitolo | 9 • Jesuit Tychonic Cosmology

9 • Jesuit Tychonic Cosmology


This study focuses on the Jesuit efforts to put forward a coherent cosmological view that, on the one hand, was in tune with the Catholic theology, leaving a room, for example, for the Empyrean heaven, and, on the other hand, addressed some of the problems that Tycho left unsolved, especially the issue of celestial dynamics. Particular attention is paid to Cristoforo Borri, whose Collecta astronomica was widely influential among the subsequent professors.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 22 Marzo 2023 | Lingua: en

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