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Knowledge Hegemonies in the Early Modern World
Monografia | Geo-Heliocentric Controversies
Capitolo | 5 • The Geo-Heliocentric Model of Capellan Inspiration
Since the astronomical novelties revealed by the telescope did render the traditional Ptolemaic system untenable and Catholic authors were prohibited from following the Copernican system, Jesuits had to devise an astronomical solution. Historians of science usually consider the adoption of Tychonism as the sole solution for the Jesuits to keep discussing cosmology without entering dangerous grounds. Nevertheless, research into the alternative cosmological models proves that there was room to come to terms with the Galilean novelties while simultaneously retaining intact the foundations of Clavius’s astronomical and cosmological ideas. This was the path followed by Giovanni Paolo Lembo, whose geo-heliocentric system of Capellan inspiration is discussed in this chapter.
Pubblicato 22 Marzo 2023 | Lingua: en
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