Collana |
Sinica venetiana
Monografia | The Tongbai Palace and Its Daoist Communities: A History
Capitolo | 6 • Conclusion
The Author’s focus of research has been Tongbai Palace, but future studies might want to reconstruct a more complete religious history of Tiantai by including the study of the Buddhist and even the Confucian institutions of that place. More work should also be done on the period that goes from the Song dynasty to the early Ming: there might exist primary sources that could cast light on a relatively unknown period in the history of the temple. His wish is that this book has proven a useful addition to the latest series of studies on late imperial Daoism.
Presentato: 28 Gennaio 2022 | Accettato: 22 Agosto 2022 | Pubblicato 09 Gennaio 2023 | Lingua: en
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