Collana | Lexis Supplementi
Miscellanea | METra 1
Capitolo | ‘Schegge’ di Odisseo

‘Schegge’ di Odisseo

I ‘volti’ dell’eroe nei frammenti dei drammi odissiaci di Sofocle

The paper focuses on the characterisation of Odysseus in the fragmentary plays of Sophocles. After some introductory remarks on the playwright’s debt to the epic tradition, section 2 deals with the rhetoric of Odysseus as showcased by frs *566 (Syndeipnoi) and 965 R.2 (unknown play), and highlights how Sophocles interacted with the epic tradition underlying both fragments. Sections 3-4 explore the varied way in which Sophocles shaped the ethical characterisation of Odysseus. Section 3 focuses on the role of Odysseus as ‘antagonist’ of other Achaean heroes, while section 4 highlights the unfamiliar characterisation of Odysseus in the Euryalus.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 14 Marzo 2022 | Accettato: 17 Maggio 2022 | Pubblicato: 14 Dicembre 2022 | Lingua: it

Keywords Ethical characterisation Euryalus Odysseus Rhetoric Fragments Sophocles

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