
Collana | Antichistica
Volume 40 | Miscellanea | Wine Cultures

Wine Cultures

Gandhāra and Beyond
open access
    a cura di
  • Claudia Antonetti - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - email orcid profile
  • Bryan De Notariis - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - email
  • Marco Enrico - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - email


The volume Wine Cultures. Gandhāra and Beyond represents the primary outcome of the MALIWI project (SPIN Ca’ Foscari 2021) directed by Claudia Antonetti. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this work seeks to explore the production techniques, social functions, and cultural significance of intoxicating drinks with particular reference to wine – an extraordinary beverage that has been intertwined with human history for millennia. This volume gathers contributions by scholars interested in studying wine and drinking culture in Gandhāra and neighbouring regions, including Ancient Assyria, Arachosia, and present-day India. The topic is explored from three fundamental perspectives, employing a diverse range of sources, including literary and historical texts, as well as linguistic, iconographic, archaeological, and anthropological evidence.

Keywords UtopiaViticultureIranian PlateauMusikanosShamanismIndo-GreeksGreek historiographyOnesicritusAfghanistanDionysusSouthern CaucasusVinicultureWineKurdistan Region of IraqNew Year festivalWine PressesIntoxicantsGeorgiaHārītīArchaeology<p>GandhāraAlcoholPateraeArachosiaHeraklesPrakritSwatDrinking culturePhialaiTutelary couplesDeśīAssaceniansBuddhismGreater GandhāraGandharan Revelry scenesWine ProductionRoman GeographyGreek GeographyWine cultureAlexander the GreatGandhāraAncient AfghanistanAltered statesBuddhist CosmologyMiddle Indo-AryanFashion WareAncient wineHellenistic ageCurtius RufusAchaemenidIslamic periodGandhāran artIndo-ScythiansAncient PakistanIndiaPsychoactive drugsVinayaErotic couplesPalm wineWine libationPāliWine symbolismBioarchaeologySymposiumWinemakingQueen CleophisKuvalayamālāMesopotamiaScythiansAssyria

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-816-3 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-877-4 | Pubblicato 08 Ottobre 2024 | Lingua en