LiVVaL Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language

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Miscellanea | Heritage Languages and Variation
Capitolo | Definiteness in Levantine Arabic Heritage Speakers of English

Definiteness in Levantine Arabic Heritage Speakers of English

How Heritage Language Affects Cognition


Definiteness depends on crosslinguistic semantic variables, including count/mass distinction, which correlates with cognitive individuation of discrete entities and attention to shape rather than substance. Count/mass distinction is represented by definiteness markers in English but not in Levantine Arabic (LA). Replicating experiments by Liu and Gleason, Middleton, and Lucy and Gaskins, this study tested grammar of definiteness, cognitive individuation, and attention to shape vs. substance in LA heritage speakers of English (LAHSEs, aged 18‑25). The results show that LA definiteness parameters affect LAHSEs’ cognition but not their grammar of definiteness.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 26 Luglio 2023 | Accettato: 16 Novembre 2023 | Pubblicato 18 Luglio 2024 | Lingua: en

Keywords Count/mass nounsHeritage languageEnglishLevantine ArabicLanguage-to-cognition correlationDefiniteness

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