Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti

Collana | Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti
Monografia | Le grammatiche del razzismo
Capitolo | Introduzione


Un’introduzione teorica e un percorso di ricerca


Racism has always accompanied the history of Europe, marked by nationalism, authoritarianism and state racism; however, in contemporary times we are witnessing its renewed centrality and a sort of democratic legitimacy of explicitly xenophobic political subjectivities. Persistent anti-Semitism, growing Islamophobia, the generalisation of anti-immigration and anti-refugee policies, and the consequent constitution of a galaxy of "moral entrepreneurs" of racism are the alarming symptoms of a chaotic enlargement of the space of racism. The social construction of a negative otherness, in its various forms and contents with which it is expressed, continues to represent the social mechanism par excellence of racist practices and discourses.

Open access

Presentato: 03 Maggio 2023 | Pubblicato 06 Novembre 2023 | Lingua: it

Keywords IslamophobiaOthernessAntisemitismRacismNarratives

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