L’Osservatorio regionale del Veneto e la Rete degli Osservatori locali
The Regional Landscape Observatory of the Veneto Region, formally established by the regional law n. 10 of 2011, initially involved local entities in the elaboration of experimental landscape plans. In 2012, endowed with a special organisational discipline, the Observatory set out tasks and activities to promote the protection, management and requalification of regional landscapes. In February 2013, the Regional Network of Landscape Observatories was established. In the years 2014-19, the Observatory focused its activities on training, participation and awareness-raising, in line with the aims of the European Landscape Convention, by providing training courses on landscape for technical experts and refresher workshops for professionals in collaboration with a number of universities of the Veneto region.
Keywords: Local Observatory • European Landscape Convention • Regional Observatory • Training • Awareness raising • Participation