Collana | Studi di storia
Miscellanea | The Reception and Application of the Encyclical Pascendi
Capitolo | La répression du modernisme

La répression du modernisme

Une priorité toute relative pour les évêques français (1908-1914)


The French bishops have faithfully executed the disciplinary measures of the encyclical Pascendi. But the reports sent to Rome show some moderation. Certainly they excluded from their seminaries the professors suspected of sympathy for the condemned ideas and they controlled more strictly the training of seminarians; but a large majority of them were convinced that their clergy and their laity were untouched by any doctrinal deviation, and that the encyclical had already calmed the more imprudent. More than about Modernism, they were worried about the consequences of the law of separation and the progress of dechristianization.

Open access

Presentato: 05 Gennaio 2017 | Pubblicato 29 Marzo 2017 | Lingua: fr

Keywords PascendiSeparation of State and ChurchDechristianizationScholastic textbooksSeminaries

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