Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 39 | 105 | 2016
Research Article | On the Trail of a Catalan Universal Thinker

On the Trail of a Catalan Universal Thinker


The main goal of this paper is to reconstruct José Ferrater Mora’s intellectual trajectory. Ferrater Mora is an important Catalan exiled thinker and he has a big influence in the contemporary Spanish society and in the history of universal philosophy. This article wants to demonstrate the importance of analysing not only his philosophical books and essays but also his literary and cinematographic works. At the same time, it wants to emphasize how Ferrater Mora’s life and works are proofs of the possibility of coexistence between local and universal culture in the same author.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Oct. 8, 2015 | Accepted: April 26, 2016 | Published June 30, 2016 | Language: it

Keywords Intellectual trajectoryJosé Ferrater MoraSpanish Thought in exileIntroduction to thoughtCatalan Philosophy

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