Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 39 | 105 | 2016
Research Article | Intellectuals and Latin American Critical Epistemology

Intellectuals and Latin American Critical Epistemology

From Anti-Colonial to Decolonial Thought


This article presents the thought of José Martí and Manoel Bomfim about Latin American utopia and its influence in the work of Darcy Ribeiro who is considered as a precursor of the so-called Latin American ‘decolonial turn’. Recalls the tradition of anti-colonial nineteenth-century thought on the continent to see it highlighted the intellectual efforts of Darcy that anticipates the displacement of hegemonic forms of knowledge in his critique of eurocentrism to assert Latin America as an important locus of enunciation, this displacement that characterizes the efforts of the theoretical movement ‘modernity-coloniality’ of which one of the most significant representatives is Walter Mignolo. The results confirm the power contained in the ‘liminar gnosis’ or subaltern perspective that opens new horizons of analysis and action in a post-colonial world that put into question the metanarrative of modernity, responsible for the violence of the old and new colonialism.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 9, 2016 | Accepted: April 29, 2016 | Published June 30, 2016 | Language: pt

Keywords IntellectualsModernity-colonialityDecolonial turnLatin America

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