Lexis Poetica, retorica e comunicazione nella tradizione classica

Journal | Lexis
Journal issue | Num. 42 (n.s.) – Giugno 2024 – Fasc. 1
Research Article | On Actual and Idle Virtue in Cicero

On Actual and Idle Virtue in Cicero

From one Cato to Another: From the De republica to the Tusculanae, via the Epistles


The article is based on some extracts from Cicero’s dialogic and epistolary production, prior to the death of Caesar. It deals with the meaning of ‘virtue’ first in relation to the gestation and publication of De republica, an expression of active virtue; then in relation to the forced idle phase of the Arpinate, dedicated to the activity of translation. The two phases of action and speculation appear to be respectively marked by the models of virtue embodied by the two Catos: on one side the Major, on the other the Uticense. The contrasting consideration of the locality of Tusculum sums up the contradiction. The leitmotiv is therefore virtue, researched, theorised, variously understood and interpreted by Arpinate with the changed political and family conditions.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 30, 2023 | Accepted: March 15, 2024 | Published July 3, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords OtiumCatoCiceroVirtueDialogues

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