Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 13 | 2 | 2024
Research Article | Abitudini linguistiche e inclusione nelle classi multiculturali italiane

Abitudini linguistiche e inclusione nelle classi multiculturali italiane

Language proficiency is an important aspect of the social inclusion of young people from a migrant background. However, some researchers noted similarities in the level of inclusion between first‑ and second‑generation children, despite the different linguistic profile. This study attempts to deepen the analysis of this relationship through the answers to a tailor‑made questionnaire given by 135 adolescents attending multi‑cultural schools in Venice. Italian L2 is confirmed as an essential factor for inclusion, but its effect comes more from its role in the construction of cultural identity than from the opportunity to communicate.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Oct. 5, 2023 | Accepted: June 27, 2024 | Published July 29, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords InclusionMigratory backgroundHigh schoolImmigrant studentsMulticultural classesItalian L2

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