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Series | Lexis Supplements
Volume 10 | Edited book | Classic and Contemporary Agamemnon

Classic and Contemporary Agamemnon

open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Francesco Citti - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italia - email
  • Alessandro Iannucci - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italia - email
  • Antonio Ziosi - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italia - email

Like its predecessors, Edipo classico e contemporaneo, edited by F. Citti and A. Iannucci (Hildesheim; Zürich; New York, 2012) and Troiane classiche e contemporanee, edited by F. Citti, A. Iannucci, A. Ziosi (Hildesheim; Zürich; New York, 2017) this new volume seeks to stage a dialogue between a Greek play and a Latin one, Aeschylus’s Agamemnon and its Latin rewriting by Seneca. But at the same time, this intertextual dialogue becomes, in turn, a fundamental hypotext for further and varied ‘rewritings’ of the myth and the story of Agamemnon, in plays, opera librettos, novels, films, paintings and reenactments, from the Renaissance to the present day, as many papers in this book show, with new and original insights in the ever-growing realm of Reception studies.

Keywords FormularityAnagoorHouse of NamesLivius Andronicus’ AegisthusSenecaIphigeniaOperaAccius’s ClutemestraMeta-deliberationMusicDecision-makingEstrangementSicilian trilogySophocles’ Electra1407-1576Iranian mythologySeneca’s AgamemnonPyrrhusGuérinEuripidesContemporary sceneThyestesDe ChiricoInterculturalityThucydidesBajIphigeneia in AulisTóibínPowerRe-enactmentPirrottaTrilogyEvangelista FossaAgamemnonGibellinaCollierEmpathyAeschylus’ PersaeMusical theatreClassical reception studiesAeschylusCassandraAgamemnon llMytilene debateLibrettoPropheciesRepetitionsAncient Greek dramaDreamsLyric-epirrhematic amoibaionTragedyClytemnestraAdaptationPacuvius’ DulorestesVernacular TranslationsAuthorshipClassical Reception StudiesReceptionIsgròMetanoiaTroadesPomodoroOrestesPolitical theatrePlato’s PhaedrusOresteiaDualismsReception studiesAeschylus’ AgamennonJan FabreAtreidaeColometryGreek tragic styleDramaturgyUncertaintyRe-writingHorses and chariotsAntonio LatellaCleon

Permalink http://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-632-9 | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-632-9 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-633-6 | Number of pages 312 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Dec. 13, 2022 | Language it, en

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