Series |
Eurasian Studies
Edited book | Armenia, Caucasus, and Central Asia
Chapter | Diplomazia creativa al servizio di strategie di nicchia di una piccola potenza
In the year marking the centenary since the foundation of the Azerbaijani Diplomatic Service, Baku’s foreign policy is increasingly characterised by a broader understanding of diplomacy, shaped by the gradual yet steady expansion of both areas and the tools for intervention. Guided by the attempt to develop a ‘niche strategy’ aiming at safeguarding and promoting Azerbaijani national interest, the Humanitarian Diplomacy emerges as a privileged field for Baku to adopt a pro-active and creative foreign policy. Building upon the debate around the interests behind the aid-providing activities of traditional and emerging donors, the article aims at introducing the motivations and the aims behind Azerbaijani aid policy. In particular, it aims at demonstrating that Baku’s Humanitarian Diplomacy aims chiefly at achieving immaterial benefits, having to do with international prestige and with the construction and international projection of a Good International Citizenship.
Submitted: Sept. 4, 2019 | Accepted: Oct. 3, 2019 | Published Oct. 17, 2019 | Language: it
Keywords Azerbaigian • Diplomazia Umanitaria • Niche Diplomacy • Cooperation towards development • Minor Powers
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